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Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to explore your current issues, develop self-awareness and find your own solutions with the help of a qualified counsellor.

As an integrative therapist, I offer a unique blend of person centred talk and brain-based Brainspotting approach, which utilises points in the client's visual field to access unprocessed material in the subcortical brain and to help regulate their nervous system. Research shows that Brainspotting helps to down-regulate the amygdala and promotes coherence between Sympathetic Nervous System and  Parasympathetic Nervous System activity. Using this treatment method engages both hemispheres of the brain for deeper, more intuitive and accelerated healing process.

When I work using person centred interview I always keep in mind that the client is the best expert on themselves. Therefore I will not be in a position to offer advice or prescribe medication. Instead, I am attuned to the client relationally and neurobiologically to create a safe space in which the client can explore, access, process and release neurophysiological sources of pain, trauma, anxiety and other challenging emotional or body symptoms.

What to expect from my style of working as a counsellor?

Person centred theoretical approach assumes that all individuals are capable of thriving, sometimes they just need help clearing blocks and accessing resources. Using advanced neuro-physiological methods with psychological consequences such as Brainspotting allows the client to access and process their material deep in the brain. The client can choose how much or how little they want to share with me in the process. My key role as a Brainspotting Practitioner and a counsellor is to hold a 'dual attunement' frame for the client, which provides both relational and neurobiological attunement. The client can use this space however they want: some clients like to engage in talking as they are processing and some prefer to quietly focus on their internal process with occasional check-ins with their counsellor.

Therapy with me usually involves the following stages:

If you wish to begin your counselling journey now, you can book a free initial Zoom meeting here.

How to get the most out of your therapy.

There are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most out of your counselling, here is what I recommend to new clients:

# 1 Be clear about what you want to achieve. Having specific realistic goals and achieving them is empowering.

# 2 Be as open as you can with your counsellor. I am not there to judge you and I want to help.

# 3 Tell me how you find your therapy. This helps me adapt our sessions to make your therapy as effective as possible.

I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. You can find more information about therapy, how it work and what to expect on the BACP website on

Get in touch

Please feel free to call/WhatsApp, email me or use the form.

I will aim to respond within 24hrs Monday - Friday. For mental health emergencies please contact your local health centre.

In-person sessions are available by prior arrangement at:

Nearest Metro stations: Avenida and Marquês de Pombal.

Thank you. I will get in touch with you within 24 hrs Mon - Fri.
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